6 men, 4 women, plus a chorus
2 Acts, 38 pages
28 songs
Patience is rock opera
(in the sense there is no dialog, only songs) based on the Biblical
story of Job, but set in the fishing village of Terrapin Springs, in
the Florida panhandle. Job is a prosperous and well-respected
citizen of the community, until a wager between God and Satan tuen
his life into a living hell. Job staunchly resists the urge to curse
God for his ills, even as his wealth, possessions, children
and even his health are taken away. The finale, however veers
sharlpy away from the standard interpretation of Job.
Cast of Characters
- JOB. 40-50. A righteous and prosperous man.
Strong-willed, but not stern. An optimist who does not expect
life to conform to his desires.
- GOD. 25-35. A woman. The Creator, who is
confident of Job's steadfastness. She is dressed in white linen
or seersucker dress or suit, wide brimmed Panama hat.
- SATAN. 30-40. The Adversary, who
thinks he can make Job deny God. Sharp dresser, in black,
turtleneck, blazer and beret.
- AMOREENA. 30-40. Job's wife. A good woman,
but she sometimes tries Job’s patience, but is always steadfast.
- ELI. 30-40. Job's good friend, who
cannot understand why Job is so accepting of the calamities that
befall him
- BILL. 30-40. Another good friend, with
similar shortcomings.
- SOPHIE. 30-40. Another good friend, but she
at least tries to understand Job's steadfastness.
- JOEY. 16-20. Job's son, an unsophisticated
young man who feels stifled in Terrapin
- JOANNA. 19-25. Job's daughter, older than
Joey. She is a lesbian in a small town, a thinker in a
place that doesn't like intellectuals.
- GABRIEL. The archangel. Dresses casually,
has no gravitas. `
Musical Numbers
- "Prologue/A Mighty Fine Man". God, Satan, Chorus
- "Whaddaya Think?”. Satan, God
- “Can’t Complain”. Job, Amoreena, Eli, Sophie, Bill, Joanna,
Joey, Chorus
- “Friends”. Job, Eli, Sophie, Bill
- “Shake Things Up”. Satan, Gabriel, Satan's Chorus
- “Riches To Rags”. Job, Eli, Bill, Sophie, Chorus
- “Farewell To Fairweather Friends”. Job, Eli, Sophie, Bill
- “Say Gay And Say Goodbye”. Joanna, Amoreena
- "Too Hot To Stand”. Joey, Job
- "Prodigal". Job, Amoreena
- “Feel Like Letting Go?”. Satan, Job, God
- “Can’t Lose What You Don't Have”. Job
- “I Wish There Was Something I Could Do”. Amoreena, God
- “Still Got Your Health/COVID”. Eli, Sophie, Bill, Job, Amoreena, Chorus
Act II
- "Angelic Recap". Gabriel, Angels
- “Whaddaya Think? (Reprise)”. Gabriel, Satan, God, Ensemble
- “Thank God You're Always There”. Job, Amoreena
- "Nothing Left To Lose". Job, Eli,, Bill, Sophie
- “Feel Like Letting Go? (Reprise)”. Satan, Job
- “Friendly Fire”. Eli, Sophie, Bill, Job
- “Patience”. Job
- “We Regret To Inform You”. Ensemble, Amoreena
- “Curse Your God”. Eli, Sophie, Bill
- "Could Someone Please Explain”. Job
- “We Made A Bet”. God, Satan, Job
- “Don’t Need You Anymore”. Job
- “I'm Not the One”. God, Satan
- “Find A Way”. Job, Amoreena, Joanna, Gabriel, Ensemble
Running Time: 1 hour 30 minutes, with an intermission
Set: The set should be very stylized, mainly
exterior locations.
Read the
Perusal Script
Performance Video. To date, there has been no performance
of Patience. The video link takes you to a video that resulted
from a vocal workshop where singers performed the songs. The
libretto accompanies the music.
Workshop YouTube video