I'm a Southern man, but lacking almost every stereotype that generally entails, with the exceptions of (1) I love Southern cooking and (2) I truly admire Southern writers. Not that I write in that tradition (well, occasionally). But Tennessee Williams and William Faulkner... well, there's not much one can say about them. Gilding the lily and so forth.
My focus was historically on songwriting. I began at an early age, and also writing poetry, which I think a large number of people do. Write poetry, that is. Most people seem to "grow out of it" by a certain age, which is a shame. I never did, for some reason.
I took up acting in 1988, at the age of 37, much later in life than most people come to the stage. It immediately became a consuming passion, and it seemed natural, given my background, to start writing plays (and musicals!). Which I did. I've had several plays and musicals produced on local stages in North Alabama and South Central Tennessee, for which I am grateful to the communities that supported such endeavors. It's not common for local theatre groups to embrace original work, but I have been fortunate in that regard.
I married my wife Carol in 1984, and we have three beautiful daughters, and, in April of 2021, the most perfect grandchild in the world came into our lives. Our family, while the kids were at home, did a lot of theatre together, and Carol has directed almost all of my shows. The family that does theatre together...
So, that's me in a nutshell.