The Ill-Made Knight
15 men, 7 women, chorus
2 Acts, 82 pages
21 Songs
The Ill-Made Knight is the story of Camelot, with the focus on
Lancelot and ultimately the Grail Quest. Except that it is set in
Scotland, and in the Dark Aages, and Lancelot is called Angus. He
goes mad for love of Guenevere, and runs away, only to be taken in
at Castle Carbonek, where he meets Elaine, King Pelles' daughter.
They fall in love, but le leaves her when he learns that Guenevere
has been taken captive. Years later, the knights are sent on the
quest of the Holy Grail, and Lancelot faces the darkness he has
always suspected was his innermost core.
Cast of Characters
- Angus. 35-45. A tortured man who
cannot reconcile his honor with his passions. He is physically
strong, but not handsome, with the face of a fighter: it has
suffered abuse. He is slow to smile, deliberate in all things.
- Elaine. 25-30. A pretty, but not
beautiful woman, absolutely steadfast in her devotion to Angus.
Her features are wholesome and clean. She has no pretense, and
ultimately no defense against Guenevere. She dresses in simple
gowns with no particular thought as to whether they fit her,
physically or temperamentally. More at ease embroidering a dress
than wearing it.
- Guenevere. 30-40. Self-centered
and passionate, she is strikingly beautiful, sharp aquiline
features. There is always a fire just beneath the surface,
smoldering, ready to burn or engulf the object of her desire:
Lancelot (Angus).
- Arthur. 50 or so. Distracted as
his plans for chivalry are implemented, he is more mental than
emotional, but never cold. He sees and lives in a future that he
is devoted to.
- Merlin/Grandfather. 40-60.
Possibly a dream figure, seen only by Lancelot, and later Dap.
Merlin lives in all times, refers to all things. He can use the
past to illuminate the future and the future to illuminate the
past. He is thin and old, but still erect. Bearded, he has bushy
eyebrows and flashing eyes. He wears a Druid’s white or blue
gown and a dark cloak. No pointed hat. Unlike other principals,
he has no accent.
- King Pelles. 40-60. Elaine’s
father, the Fisher King. Thin sickly man, head in the clouds,
always dabbling in genealogy and mysticism. Use a crutch and
walks in obvious pain.
- Dap. 50-60. Lancelot’s squire,
aged beyond belief. Senile, white-haired, forgetful.
- Galahad. 20's. A prick of a boy,
too full of God. He does after all see the Grail.
- Gawain. 35-45. An elderly knight,
second only to Lancelot in stature. An aged fighter, veteran of
many campaigns.
- Melagran. 20's. An unchivalrous
- Linnette. 20's. Elaine’s ditsy
younger sister.
- Cecilia. 20's. Elaine’s teasing
older sister.
- Teenage Girl. 15-18. The
archetypal young Elaine.
- Perceval. 20's. A friend of, and
only slightly less priggish than, Galahad.
- Gareth. 20's. Knight in Arthur’s
- Lady Ann. 18-25. Lady at Arthur’s
- Lady Bethany. The same.
- Baldric. 20's. A knight at
Carbonek, Pelles’ castle.
- Sagramore. 20-30. Knight at
Arthur’s court.
- Grummore. 40-60. Saintly knight.
- Saint Patrick. 30-50. Himself.
- Palomides. 20-30. Knight.
- Other knights & ladies
Musical Numbers
- “The Dark Ages”. Chorus
- “Madman On the Loose”. Chorus
- “Crazy Like a Fox”. Guenevere
- “Home Without a Hero”. Elaine & Chorus
- Le Chevalier Mal Fet”. Angus
- “Is He Really All That Cute?”. Elaine, Linnette, Cecilia
- “Fisher King”. Chorus
- “Drunk on Love”. Angus, Pelles, Dap, Baldric
- “Crazy Like a Fox (Reprise)”. Guenevere
- “Simple Woman, Simple Things”. Angus & Elaine
- "Broken Word", Angus
- “Blessed Me”. Galahad
- “Growing Old, Going Home”. Merlin & Dap\
- “Heaven In Earth”. Arthur, Guenevere, Gawain, Angus
- “Good God, Galahad!”. Galahad & Chorus
- “Grail Quest Procession”. Processional
- "Nothing To Find". Knights
- “How Long Must I Wait?”. Elaine
- “Chapel Perlious”. Angus, Arthur, Guenevere, Elaine, Chorus
- “Once Again”. Angus
- “Once Again *Finale)”. Angus, Chorus
Running Time: 2 hour 30 minutes, with an intermission
Set: forest locations, castle interiors. The
Chapel Perilous should be dramatic and aweful.
Read a Perusal script
Performance Video. To date, there has been no performance
of Patience. The video link takes you to a video that presents
musical scores together with the music.
There are markers in the video for locating songs. The idea is you can read the
perusal script (link above), and in conjuction listen to the music
when you encounter a song.
Knight YouTube video