Puckett Publishing

Publishing the works of Chuck Puckett since 1999...

OK Boomer

I believe I get the OK Boomer thing. Way too many of us have done what people seem to inevitably do as they get old: become fearful, recalcitrant, ultraconservative.

As much as Boomers would like to be able to claim that so much of where progressive thinking has evolved had its origins in the breakout liberalism of the magical 60's (and there is some truth in that claim), far too many of us have now abandoned those beautiful attempts at personal freedom and stretching the boundaries. Now, like almost all grandparents and olds, they've traded in that passion and inspired madness and desire for insight and freedom, traded them for some perceived security. They've forgotten what Ben Franklin said: those who would trade liberty for security desrve neither.

The adage has always been that people are liberal in youth, but become conservative in old age. I think it has something to do with accumulation of "stuff". "Stuff" makes people fearful of losing their stuff. And children probably make us more mindful of protecting them, and hence less likely to risk our lives, fortune and sacred honor on dangerous endeavors.

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