Puckett Publishing

Publishing the works of Chuck Puckett since 1999...


Nothing stymies an American quite as much as coming upon a roundabout in England. Unless it’s coming upon a roundabout in America. Ask any out-of-towner who’s visited Boston, with what is already insane traffic, and who encounters one of their infamous roundabouts. Or certain places in New Orleans. Or Grant Street in Decatur, Alabama.

One woman actually sat and called her sister to find out what to do next. Thank God for cell phones. I applaud the city fathers for their insight. We need more roundabouts. They afford a wonderful opportunity to play Chicken in a new setting.

In England, the flow is to the left rather than to the right. Which is not as much of an issue for the American driver as one might think, since we have already been completely bamboozled, distracted and laid to mental waste by having to drive on the wrong side of the road from the wrong side of the car.

© 2009 Chuck Puckett