Puckett Publishing

Publishing the works of Chuck Puckett since 1999...

Meeting At Appomattox

2 Men
One Act, 20 pages

In April of 1865, the War Between the States was very nearly at an end. The last major force of the Confederates was the Army of Northern Virginia, commanded by the legendary General Robert E. Lee. Knowing that his army was no longer viable, Lee agreed to meet with the also legendary General Ullysses S. Grant and discuss the terms of surrender. History does not record what was said at that encounter, but Meeting At Appomattox provides a fictionalized version. In this brief one-act play, Lee and Grant discuss not so much the surrender, but their careers, and how war has affected them. The play is both informative and entertaining, amusing and poignant.

Cast of Characters

  • ROBERT E. LEE, Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia. 50-60
  • U.S. GRANT, Commander of the Union Armies. 40-60

Running Time: one hour 30 min.

Set. The parlor of a farm house, two tables on eithers side of a small table, with another table off to the side.

Read an excerpt.

Performance Video. A video from a production in Decatur, Alabama.

Meeting At Appomattox YouTube video