Puckett Publishing

Publishing the works of Chuck Puckett since 1999...

Tell Me Why: A Metaphysically Conceited Comedy

3 Men, 2 Women
2 Acts. 65 pages

It is the Very Beginning. The Creator of the Universe is about to launch into his 6 day non-stop creation binge. Right there with him, in the utter darkness, Moses waits to write it all down (Moses wrote Genesis, so it follows he must have been on the scene). The problem? God doesn't know whether to endow mankind with free will. In any case, he gets it all done, and creates Adam. Who is immediately lonely. You know the rest: it doesn't turn out exactly as planned ("Can God get it wrong?" "Let's just say he can get it less right.") But you've never seen it presented like this. Tell Me Why raises more questions than it answers.

Cast of Characters

  • Moses. A historian and a prophet, he is writing down everything that happens. Well, almost everything.
  • God. You know: the Creator. Who wants a universe that contains something other than Himself, and that wouldn't mind praising Him. Volatile, quick to anger, but also compassionate. He is not mean-spirited. God and Adam should look alike as much as possible.
  • Adam. The first man, childlike at first, but obsessed with questions. Unfortunately, not very good at arriving at answers. Naively trusting, he learns that trust is not always easy.
  • Eve. The first woman, she takes free will a bit too much to heart. A loving and sincere woman, capable of absorbing almost everything.
  • Lucy. The devillette. Very self-willed, proud as a peacock, sexy and seductive. And the ultimate Nihilist.

Running Time: one hour 26 min, plus an intermission

Set. The action takes place in the Garden and just outside. But it all looks pretty much the same

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Performance Video. Here are links to Act 1 and Act 2.

Tell Me Why Act One YouTube video

Tell Me Why Act Two YouTube video