Classmates Information
Here's where you can find information about people who've checked in. Send us some pictures, folks. People want to know how to recognize you when the Reunion happens!
You can look for people using this "rolodex" (maiden/last name begins with one of the letters). Note that only the people who have (so far) checked in are represented. If you haven't done so, please contact us.
Abbott-Cupp | Daily-Fruitiger | Garner-Isbell | |
Jackson-Lynn | Maner-Osborne | Parker-Rose | |
Sandlin-Umphrey | Via-Ziegenbein |
Alternatively, here's a person-by-person list. If the person's name has a link, that will take you directly to their information page. If not, we have no information or picture of them. It is also useful to realize that this list is larger than the number of people who actually graduated with us. In some cases, a classmate may have spent a few years at CHS, and then moved away or graduated elsewhere. We've tried to include everyone we ever matriculated with.
Note that when a classmate's name appears in reverse field (e.g., Mike Richter), that indicates that he or she has passed away.